Club Alumni NYC - Breakfast at Le Moulin à Café

6 participants
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Chers étudiants et diplômés de l'Institut Paul Bocuse,
Some of us know each other, some of us don’t but we all have a common point and a common passion we can exchange, share and I would be delighted to bring us all together
All of us have crossed the Chateau du Vivier at a moment of time and the sure thing is that the school have developed immensely over the years and everywhere in the globe,  we want to have alumni who want to be involved and can meet once in a while to build a true platform of exchange among ourselves and assistance to the current generation of IPB.
To that extent, I would like us to meet so we can build relations and connections among us in NYC. Various options are possible and I would love to hear suggestions of meeting ideas for future reference ( lunches, cocktails, presentations, demos...).
We are the life after school and it is up to us to make it existsand articulate it the way we want it to be.
In the meantime, for a first meeting, I would be delighted for us all to meet for a coffee/breakfast in the morning;
I know everyone has a busy life and imperatives but if we can commit to meet every 6-8 weeks, it would be a good pattern.
For this coffee meeting, please meet me on Monday May 15th from 9am to 10am at a French coffee place called “Le Moulin à Café” located on York Ave between 76th and 77th street in the Upper eastside
You can RSVP to me directly at your convenience and I look forward to a good turnout and many more events to come.
It is important that we can all exchange, share, transmit experiences which is the core of our industry and the savoir faire we all learned while being student in Ecully
Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation to these meetings that can beneficiate to many individuals
Merci a tous
Bien Amicalement,
Karim Guedouar (Alumni 2001)
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Petit-Déjeuner Rencontre

Le Moulin à Café

1439, York Avenue 10075 NEW YORK

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