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"SHOW COOKING" live on Thursday, March 4th at 6pm on the Youtube channel of Institut Paul Bocuse!

Institut Paul Bocuse news



After the success of the 1st edition, we hope that even more of you will get into the next edition of our "SHOW COOKING" broadcast live on Thursday, March 4th at 6pm on the Youtube channel of Institut Paul Bocuse!

The principle? Cook a recipe step by step live and especially share a moment of conviviality together with our student Chefs, Louise and Ben, and our host Agathe.

On the menu: Shakshuka- Broccoli Spinach

List of ingredients for 2 people:
500g of Broccoli
300g of Spinach
1 Onion
2 cloves of garlic
4 eggs
30g of nuts of your choice
1 lemon
350g liquid cream 30% fat
30g of butter
15g of neutral oil
30g white sugar
12cl of white wine of your choice (optional)

Specific material :
Mixer/Blender or a potato masher
Aluminum foil
A hhip

Grab your utensils and let's go!
Join us on the Youtube channel of Institut Paul Bocuse -> click here!

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