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Graduate outcomes survey

Institut Paul Bocuse news



Dear Alumni,

Given that the last "graduate outcomes survey" was carried out back in 2015, in order to help us prepare the future marketing and communications material for "Institut Paul Bocuse - School of Hospitality, Food Service and Culinary Arts", it was high time we contacted you for the latest details about your career development!

Who does this concern?

- Bachelors in Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Food Service: Classes of 2009, 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

- Masters in Hospitality (formerly ‘hotel and catering’) & Culinary Arts: Classes of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2020.

Representing 1,474 alumni members.

 We will contact you by phone next week. It won't take more than 5 minutes of your time, we promise! And, depending on where you live, time differences have been taken into account.

Please take this opportunity to log on to the platform. We invite you to update your profile regularly (photo, personal details, experience, academic background, languages, interests, etc.).

Please don't underestimate the power of this network, which can open many professional doors or simply make your move to a new city easier.

We will share the results of this survey with you at the end of January.

Thank you for your attention, and for your time in participating in this graduate outcome survey.

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