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A new success for the Master in Hospitality Management students!

Student projet



The Master in Hospitality Management programme delivered by Institut Paul Bocuse & emlyon was given a warm welcome last week at the headquarters of the ACCOR group in Issy les Moulineaux to present projects for the creation of hotel brands.

Since the month of January, 14 teams have been working under the leadership of American specialists (Ron SWIDLER & Matthew GOODRICH and Lama ZOUEIN (Master in Culinary Leadership & Innovation, 2021) for the design aspects of the projects), to create a new brand from scratch that can be added to the ACCOR range. It was with a great deal of professionalism and emotion that the teams presented their proposals to a judging panel made up of senior representatives working at headquarters. Among them, the managers in charge of the Talent & Culture department, which made it a golden opportunity for our students to shine and to make a name for themselves in front of key senior staff. These presentations concluded the second term of studies. We look forward to seeing you in April for new adventures in London!

The entire team would like to warmly thank the ACCOR group for the excellent welcome and the productive discussions. See you soon for the next instalment!

And thanks again to Martine Ferry for sharing the news with us :-)

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