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Club Alumni Lima IPB & USIL, at Seitan Urban Bistro - November, 12, 2019

Evening Meeting



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Club Alumni Lima
Sophie Bellon (International Program Manager at IPB) et Maxime Moise (Chef - International Programs Development at IPB) ont réuni plusieurs plusieurs diplômés mardi 12 novembre à Lima au Seitan Urban Bistro. Pour l'occasion le chef Santiago Santalolla, alumni IPB & USIL, avait préparé un repas entièrement vegan. Ils étaient treize, étudiants à la fois de l'IPB et de l'USIL et ont fait de la soirée un succès !

Camila chavez Vinatea  - IPB Lyon – Central restaurant – chef 

Santiago Santalolla – IPB USIL lima - Seitan Urban Bistro – Vegan - Owner

Martin Cardenas- Director IPB - USil

Maxime Moise – IPB lyon – chef instructor IPB

Christina Balvin – IPB USIL lima - Le Postrería Bio (Vegan Pastry laboratory – owner)

Nassir Abad – IPB USIL lima - to go to Panama

Karina Asurza Olano-  IPB USIL lima – Own Business of Cheese, bread maker

Piero Linares – IPB USIL lima - Pastry chef (vegan) 

Carolina Calderon Reyna - IPB USIL lima – hotel administration (hotel familial)

Danisa Alpaca -IPB USIL lima – go to Spain to a restaurant – Chef 

Andre Patsias -IPB USIL lima – Statera – Owner 

Maria Fernanda Novoa – IPB USIL lima Manager at Statera

Et Olga Castro Coordinatrice pedagogique du programme IPB à l’USIL 

Retrouvez les photos de la soirée dans l’onglet « Good Pics » du site alumni.

Club Alumni Lima

On Tuesday, November, 12, Sophie Bellon (International Program Manager at IPB) and Maxime Moise (Chef - International Programs Development at IPB) gathered alumni together at the Seitan Urban Bistro. This party was a complete success thanks to the thirteen alumni from both IPB and USIL schools. Santiago Santalolla, chef of the restaurant and alumni IPB/USIL, cooked a special vegan meal for everybody : 

Camila chavez Vinatea  - IPB Lyon – Central restaurant – chef 

Santiago Santalolla – IPB USIL lima - Seitan Urban Bistro – Vegan - Owner

Martin Cardenas- Director IPB - USil

Maxime Moise – IPB lyon – chef instructor IPB

Christina Balvin – IPB USIL lima - Le Postrería Bio (Vegan Pastry laboratory – owner)

Nassir Abad – IPB USIL lima - to go to Panama

Karina Asurza Olano-  IPB USIL lima – Own Business of Cheese, bread maker

Piero Linares – IPB USIL lima - Pastry chef (vegan) 

Carolina Calderon Reyna - IPB USIL lima – hotel administration (hotel familial)

Danisa Alpaca -IPB USIL lima – go to Spain to a restaurant – Chef 

Andre Patsias -IPB USIL lima – Statera – Owner 

Maria Fernanda Novoa – IPB USIL lima Manager at Statera

Et Olga Castro Coordinatrice pedagogique du programme IPB à l’USIL 

You can find all the pictures of the party in the section « Good Pics » of the alumni website 


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