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"Nutrition" recipe: Roasted strawberries and gourmet granola

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They add colour to our plates, delight our taste buds, are low in calories, rich in vitamin C and fibre: we are talking about strawberries!

It's the peak season for this beautiful little fruit, so you might as well enjoy them. But how do you choose the best ones? Here are some tips:

  • Appearance: choose brightly coloured and shiny ones. Not all strawberry varieties have the same shade of red: the cigaline, for example, will be rather orange, while the Plougastel strawberry will be a very intense red. There are even white strawberries! 
  • Smell: to select the best strawberries, use your sense of smell too! The varieties grown in France have been carefully selected for their taste and smell.
  • Taste: if possible, don't hesitate to ask your shopkeeper if you can taste a strawberry first, so you can be sure you're making the right choice!

To enjoy this fruit to the fullest, eat your strawberries quickly and keep them in the fridge for up to 3 days. You can also freeze them for later use (smoothies, jams).

*Recipe and tips suggested by Lisa Mionnet and Nicolas Tête


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