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Meeting between alumni and Hospitality & Food Service teaching staff in Marseille

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A nice trip to Marseille for the International Hospitality Management and International Food Service Management Bachelors' teams on Friday 10 June!

The trip was an opportunity to meet alumni restaurant owners in Marseille - Alizée & Edgar Bosquez - who have just opened their first restaurant L'Ekume in the 7th district.
 The programme included a tasting of some of the emblematic dishes on Chef Edgar's menu, such as pissaladière, ceviche and fried fish, accompanied by local wines.

In the presence of the following alumni:
- Alizée (2009) & Edgar (2008) Bosquez - Owners of Ekume restaurant
- Marguerite Brechat (2007) - Project Manager at Domaine de la Tour du Bon
- Julien Pichet (2009) - 3-star chef and organic winegrower
- Laure Metras (1998) - Manager of the Keops holding company
- Marie Vangelisti (2016) and Timothée Aumont (2016) - Owner-managers of the Alivetu restaurant in Marseille (on the same street as Ekume!)
- Garance Jacquemin (2nd Year Bachelor Hospitality) doing a reception internship at the InterContinental Marseille - Hôtel Dieu

Thank you all for your presence, we hope you will have many more great networking experiences in Marseille!

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