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Registration opens for the French Young Talent Escoffier Championship

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The Escoffier 'Young Talent' French Championship is back! The competition for both kitchen and service professionals under 25 years old is back for a regional selection in two parts.

In the kitchen, the Label Rouge farm rabbit will be prepared as part of a 3-course meal, while in the dining room, the event will focus on the theme "Citrus fruits between translation and modernity".

New this year is the use of a video application, via which candidates will present themselves and some of their achievements. Questions on general knowledge and gastronomy will also be on the programme.

3 contestants will be selected per centre (8 selection centres per region). The candidates will then be asked to sit an interview (by videoconference) with a second panel of judges who will select the team to represent their region in the national final at the end of autumn 2021.

Pre-registration is open until 22 March 2021.

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